Pixel-Love Has Moved

26 01 2009


We’ve redesigned and moved Pixel-Love to our own host:

I’m quite satisfied to have got this done finally, as while hosted services are convenient, they drastically lack flexibility and it’s not that much more difficult to run a wordpress installation of your own. I think you’ll agree that the new blog layout is much more beautiful than this one. It was designed by my colleague Richard and put into CSS/XHTML/PHP by me.

Pixel-Love started as just a place to keep copy-pasted press clippings, and that’s exactly what you’ll find if you go far enough back into the archives. When I joined the company I thought it was a bit cheeky to just copy people’s content. Even though it does also guard against link rot, the trail of attribution is integral to online work and culture. Things have moved on a lot since Pixel-Love started up at blogger nearly four years ago. Not just in terms of blogging platforms, but with very reliable bookmarking services like delicious integrating further with browsers, and desktop apps making it much easier to sample images and video. The web is getting easier to use in more powerful ways, and we’re now going much further to attribute and highlight good work we see.

Pixel-Love spent most of 2007 and 2008 switching from a slightly random press archive to a place for commentary, and we’ve finally hit our stride in terms of what it is. Pixel-Love will contain commentary on anything related to the game industry, outside of Pixel-Lab that we find interesting and want to talk about. We’ll talk about the company itself on the Pixel-Lab news page, but blog.pixel-lab.co.uk should now serve as a permanent home for Pixel-Love, so please update your RSS feeds and any bookmarks you might want to keep.

(CC image by Telstar Logistics)



One response

27 01 2009
Alan O'Dea

Nice stuff guys looking good